From Physics Enthusiast to Passionate Programmer: My Journey 🔥🎵🥁🎸👨‍💻

Hello! I’m Tawananyasha Mukoriwo, a passionate software developer.

My journey into the world of coding began about four years ago during the COVID-19 lockdown. With schools closed and time on my hands, I found myself captivated by a project my elder sister was working on for her computer science class. The idea of commanding a computer to perform tasks was intriguing, and it sparked a newfound curiosity in me.

Before discovering coding, I was deeply interested in physics—a passion that still burns bright. I loved diving into books and articles about the mysteries of the universe. However, the theoretical nature of physics began to wear on me, especially since I couldn't always experiment with the concepts I was learning due to a lack of resources. Coding, on the other hand, offered an immediate, tangible way to see the results of my efforts, which was incredibly satisfying.

I started with Visual Basic, which, while a bit outdated, laid a solid foundation for me. As I delved deeper into programming, I discovered more modern languages and quickly realized that the fundamental concepts often transcend the specific language you’re using. I found myself spending each day solving problems and honing my skills, and it was exhilarating.

By 2021, I had a firm grasp of both backend and frontend web development, along with essential programming concepts like networking. Now, as a student at HIT pursuing a degree in Software Engineering, I feel confident in my abilities, having already spent over four years immersed in this field.

Currently, I’m focusing on enhancing my Machine Learning skills and exploring programming for embedded hardware.

But there's more to me than just code! I’m also an avid reader of physics articles and a musician at heart. I love everything from singing to playing the drums and guitars.

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